martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015


Mexican Independence was the result of a political and social process in which Miguel Hidalgo and the insurgent army tried to get Mexico’s liberty from Spanish reign by the bad way. The war for Mexican independence had its antecedent in the invasion of France to Spain in 1808 and spread from the Grito de Dolores, the September 16, 1810, to the entrance of Trigarante Army Mexico City, September 27 1821.

Hidalgo had to summon people to fight against the Spanish. The conspirators of Queretaro were discovered by the Spanish so they had no choice but to go with weapons at an early date than originally planned. The members of the conspiracy were without a support base at the time, so Hidalgo had to summon the people of Dolores to revolt against the Spanish authorities on 16 September 1810. Insurgents moved quickly to the main cities of Bajio and then to the capital of New Spain, but in the vicinity of Mexico City retreated in order of Hidalgo. The following meetings between the insurgents and the Spanish army were almost all victories by the latter. The disagreements between Hidalgo and Ignacio Allende, who were at the head of the insurgency, increased after defeats.

Insurgency leaders were captured and executed.The rebels fled to the north, where they hoped to find support from the provinces of the region that had also been launched to weapons. The leaders of the insurgency were captured in Acatita de Baján (Coahuila). Once arrested they were taken to Chihuahua. In this city they were shot Hidalgo, Jiménez, Allende and Aldama, whose heads were sent to Guanajuato for them to be exposed at the corners of the Alhóndiga. According to Carmona (2012), in 1811 Fernando Pérez Marañón, Mayor of Guanajuato, commands to put an inscription on the door of the Alhóndiga in which it describes those four heroes as thieves and heartless murderers.

The movement gave the opportunity to have structure and legal body. The organization called stage of the war of Mexican Independence includes the military and political events that occur between the time that Ignacio Lopez Rayon was appointed head of the insurgent forces in Saltillo on March 16, 1811, shortly before Hidalgo, Allende, Aldama, Jiménez and other insurgent leaders were imprisoned and executed in northern Mexico and before the execution of Jose Maria Morelos y Pavón in Ecatepec on 22 December 1815. During this time, the independence movement did not just military action, but it gave itself a structure and a legal body. During this period becomes important ideological positioning of the insurgent cause. According to Vela (2015) the Acatempan Hug was because Iturbide and Guerrero wanted to show friendship, not to show what other historians say.

The Independence had a lot of deaths but finally after Morelos’ death and the creation of Plan de Iguala, in September 1821, this long fight ended with Vicente Guerrero and Agustín de Iturbide with their army entering successfully to Mexico City. And as a point view, all of this was possible thanks to Hidalgo because he was the person who started this movement by gathering people in the Grito de Dolores, so he was a splendid and brave hero for many people. But there are people who think different:  “It was a meaningless movement (Mexican Independence) because of no avail all this struggle, and today the country is the same, no repression in our country, some rights established in the constitution are not exercised, etc.” (Herrera, 2010). 
Therefore, there are many opinions about the movement but there is one truth that is hidden or not.

Carmona, D. (2009). Calleja informa al Virrey que ha recibido las cabezas de los insurgentes. 2015, Retrieved from Memoria Política de México website:   

Herrera, O. (February, 2010).  La independencia de México: “Un éxito intrascendente” (Web log message). Retrieved from

Velázquez, M. (n.d.). Historia de la Independencia de México (Web log message). Retrieved from

Independencia de México, (n. d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved in October 23 2015 from

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Descriptive paragraph: Conditions in Muerto's hill

When I punctual arrived to the huge Muerto’s hill I saw that there were abundant plants as beautiful pink flowers, short green grass, big old trees, small sharp cactus, etc.

It rained the day before at night, so the next day in the morning in that silent hill, for example, it was dangerous because it was wet and slippery by the mud. And the weather was windy with a very bright sun and a comfortable warm temperature waiting for us with the motivation of a clear and blue sky, because the day before was the opposite.

Before the accident I was hungry because I didn’t eat anything, I felt wild and fearless, with an ambitious wish to arrive to the top, and a pleasant satisfaction with my previous dynamic physical preparation ion order to achieve that goal.

In the moment of the accident I felt clumsy to do see down the hill, I rolled many times, I was also afraid and worried for the consequences and if I would survive.

After the accident, in the hospital, I was nervous and tense because I wanted to leave soon and because it was very boring but finally I left after three weeks.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015

Paragraph: Danger in Muerto's Hill

My uncle from León, Guanajuato came here to visit his mother. One day he wanted to go to the Muerto’s Hill because he like to walk and the hiking so he invited to my father, my brother and me but only my father and me accepted that invitation. I didn’t know in that moment but later I felt that something bad is going to happen but I didn’t take care of that.

We arrived in the morning with my uncle, some of my cousins, my father and me; and we saw that there was mud everywhere and as I can saw, there was a possibility to have an accident. After that we decided to arrive to our destiny: The top of the hill.

At the top, most of us were exhausted but I not much, so we decided to rest for a while and drink some water. Later, as very religious family and because I’m very Christian, we prayed for a while and after that, we wanted to go.

When the other were getting down, I stayed a little bit more to see through the hill but there was mud everywhere and wet so I slipped and fell down the hill and I started to rode. Fortunately, I only broke some bones and had some contusions but I almost die.

When my family took me to the hospital, I was with bandages and also I had some operations , and after one month I fell as a new person and fully energy again.